Moving on
It's been hard to find time to write recently as we are finally in the throes of moving house. For the next few days we are officially no longer owner-occupiers of anywhere on the planet, having disposed of the Glasgow flat officially last Friday and not taking possession of the new house until this Thursday. In recent weeks there has been the usual frenzy of packing, cleaning and admin to be done plus all the residual stuff that is involved with entertaining a 20-month old. I am wondering how H will take to the move. Having been late with walking, teething, doing quadratic equations, etc in comparison to his peers, his one startling talent is that whenever I am driving back to the (current) house, from whichever direction and no matter how long the journey has been, he starts loudly announcing "Home!" when we are a hundred metres or so away. He is absolutely consistent with this and has been doing it for several months now. It's like having toddler satellite navigation in the back seat. This is something he definitely has inherited from D, who has great spatial awareness and can remember how to get from A to B in any city he has visited even once before decades earlier. Spooky. I wonder how long it will take H to reprogram himself to the coordinates of our new house? How long will it be before he forgets all about where we live now?
It's odd to think that in the long term H will have no memories at all of the time we have spent in this house and all the things we have done while living here. His first memories will almost certainly be associated with the new house though, and I can't wait for us all to be settled in.
It's odd to think that in the long term H will have no memories at all of the time we have spent in this house and all the things we have done while living here. His first memories will almost certainly be associated with the new house though, and I can't wait for us all to be settled in.