Along to the Child Health Clinic today for H's 18 month check. Never sure how much faith to place in the utterings of some of the Child Health nurses (was thoroughly castigated once for giving the H solid food before the age of 6 months, and occasionally the advice undergoes a complete U-turn over time, viz, "Sterilise everything!" "Don't sterilise anything - we've changed our minds!"). But I did glean a couple of potentially interesting things today. Theory 1 - the H is fascinated by wheels and cars, and this explains why he is not keen to use pencils or crayons. Hmmm. Allegedly toddlers tend to focus on either one or the other. Theory 2 - late walkers are usually late talkers, as the brain can only concentrate on one thing at a time and the talking bit only kicks in once they are properly mobile. Not sure whether the H disproves that theory, as despite walking late he has over twice the number of words at his disposal that he "should" have for his age, or whether it means that he is about to get even more vocal now that all his motor skills are finally in place, and never shut up, like his father.
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